The Eclipse portal is open, what does it mean for you ?
What Even Is an Eclipse?
On September 18th, at 12:34 PM AEST, we will experience a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. As a partial lunar eclipse, only a portion of the Moon will enter Earth's umbra, causing part of the Moon to darken - in ancient times this was a very spiritual time. Therefore, this isn't just any lunar event—it's a Full Moon on steroids. Plus, it's a Supermoon, meaning the Moon will be much closer to Earth…
Full moon’s are a time for:
- Set intentions for release
- Journal
- Perform a ritual cleansing
- Meditate and reflect
- Connect with nature
- Practice gratitude
- Seek guidance within
- Reflect on what isn’t working in your life
- Practice forgiveness
-Moon gaze
- Engage in a grounding exercise
I often describe eclipse seasons as moments when the subtle whispers of our soul transform into a powerful, guiding wind. These times present pivotal choices that can lead us toward our higher path. If we resist or ignore these opportunities, we might find ourselves in a situation where the path forward becomes unmistakably clear—even if it means hitting rock bottom first. I believe it is the most energetically charged astrological time of the year.
When eclipse season arrives, it’s like the universe decides it’s time for a refresh. Eclipses are known for stirring things up, bringing new insights, and shaking things loose. It might feel intense, but it’s really about giving you a nudge to grow and realign with what matters most. Embracing these changes and staying open to the process can help make navigating these shifts a bit smoother. Lunar eclipses signify endings and release, serving as karmic moments in the year when we can align with our highest evolution.
So, what sign is this eclipse in? Astrologically, this eclipse is occurring in Pisces—the sign of dreams, intuition, and the subconscious. It’s a space where the boundaries between the material and the spiritual blur, urging us to explore the realms of our inner world. It’s a time when we cannot ignore our SOUL—the deep essence within us that says, “This isn’t for me,” “I don’t want to work this job anymore,” “I need to travel to XYZ,” or “This partnership is toxic.” This part of ourselves knows our truth, follows our intuition, and responds to our psychic, emotional, and energetic nature. Our dreamspace, intuition, and psychic gifts are incredibly amplified at this time.
This eclipse marks the beginning of a series of Pisces eclipses that will unfold over the next 1.5 years, signalling a period of significant spiritual and emotional evolution. We haven't had eclipses in Pisces since 2015/2016, so we're stepping into a new energy and karmic cycle. This change signifies a pivotal moment, helping us close one chapter and move toward new beginnings, creating a powerful energetic shift. Therefore, this Super Full Moon Eclipse represents both an ending, shedding, and release, as well as a new path forward into a deeper layer of our evolution.
Overall, eclipse season definitely shakes things up, making the aspects of our lives that no longer serve us become glaringly obvious. In the mystical and ethereal sign of Pisces—the sign of spirit—we will undoubtedly feel a deep call from our soul. Are you tuned in enough to hear its song? If not, the universe may just show you.
If you’d like an in-depth, channelled reading about what this Super Full Moon Eclipse will mean for you, complete with specialised insights, a curated ritual, personalised journal prompts, and deep insights, please purchase a reading below- only 10 spots left !!
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Bree x